Shel Plock
Performing at Eskilstuna konstmuseum (2008). Photo by MJ Wojewodzki.


Drug Warriors was my first attempt at a concept album. I've often said that when I sing and perform, I often feel like I'm an actor playing a part. And I like that approach because it really frees me up — I feel that I can express myself more honestly when I'm acting. Well, for me, the idea of a concept album is like making a film. So, there is a lot of acting involved as well as a lot of directing and editing.

Drug Warriors tells the story of a drug deal gone terribly wrong on the Texas border. I'd started sketching out the idea after a cross-country trip across the southern border and a lot of time out in the desert. As for "Jesus", it could be read either as being about the person or it could be the protagonist muttering a curse under his breath. It's meant to be ambiguous like that. Sacred and profane. Same thing.

email: gravedomain at

Feel free to reach out.

Drug Warriors (2001)

Recorded in a studio apartment on Royce Road in Allston, MA (2001).